Night reveals

Night sky is an ancient heritage that has been come down to us from our ancestors on this planet, although we know that it existed before the presence of early humans too. An intangible but very fundamental heritage that rooted in human history. Unfortunately, today, with the expansion of cities, increase of light pollution and pointing lights towards the sky, this valuable treasure has been forgotten, especially in metropolises, so that many night sky enthusiasts are worried that the future generations will not be able to watch this beautiful nature.

Now, here in the midst of Tehran’s light pollution, Taha Gouchkanlu, one of the known astrophotographers, has exhibited some of his nightscapes entitled “night reveals”, to be a messenger to convey this concern to everyone beside his other aims. The exhibition  was opened on May 21, 2021 in Shirin art gallery with the presence of a large number of interested people and welcomed its visitors for a month. In this collection, 22 photos exhibited included his magnificent landscape at night. Night reveals was the result of his efforts to record the night sky beauties of his trips to more than 10 countries. Images in which different aspects of the night sky were shown from the glory of the Milky Way galaxy over nature and historic buildings to various astronomical events such as solar eclipses, comets, and aurora borealis.

By choosing a large format of the images and extraordinary printing technique, he tried to introduce ancient heritage more deservingly. The disec printing technique, which only one company has this printing technology in Iran, Tehran Image Workshop, was Taha’s choice. According to the feedback of many visitors, it seems that they feel themselves at the scenes. “Night reveals” had a a wide reflection in the Iranian art community.